Why Racism And White Privilege Are Not Black America’s Problems

George Sistrunk July 22, 2019

Reviewing Black American discrimination


Racism can be defined as group- and individual-level structures and processes that are associated with triggering of racial inequality. White privilege is usually referred to as systemic and legal advantages given to White people, which is believed to encourage racism. For example, if White business owners avoided hiring many people of color, it would lead to more economic opportunities for White people. Such color discrimination would be a major concern for the Black Americans as it would interfere with their financial well-being and progress.


But are White privilege and racism in the United States really the problem for the Black community?

For generations, millions of Black Americans have hid themselves in a word – Racism, blaming it for all their plight. This continued until Otis C. Harrison came forward with his New Age Capitalism along with New Age Thinking and New Age Corporations. He said the real problem with the Black community was how separatism, victimology, and anti-intellectualism triggered the community’s response to all race-related issues. He said such thought patterns obstruct black advancement much more than racism; and that corporate glass ceilings, dysfunctional inner cities, and black educational underachievement will continue until such thinking goes away.

When it comes to racism, one should know that it does exist because it’s not a political reality, a social reality, or a religious reality. Rather, it’s all about economics and the survival of a race of people. Black neighborhoods will continue to be influenced by racism until they discard they discard the “Slave Mentality” and get rid of “White Liberal Paradigm of Black Victimology.” And this is possible only when they empower themselves socially, politically, and economically, and start the process of discovering effective means, ways, systems, methodologies, and/or counter strategies to do something about it.



Call to action:

What are your views on Black community’s mentality of blaming everything on racism and White privilege? Let me know in the comments section below. To make the conversation flow, you can get in touch with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. To have an interesting read, make sure to pick my book titled Approved Exposés On Otis C. Harrison's How To Save Black Americans From Themselves: With New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking.




Collins, Cory. “What Is White Privilege, Really?” Teaching Tolerance, Accessed May 29, 2019. https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/fall-2018/what-is-white-privilege-really

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